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Picture Perfect Pup!

A while ago Daughter came up with the idea of getting a portrait of Buddy the Labrador done. She asked a very talented friend of ours who does beautiful drawings of dogs and horses. Fortunately she was able to work from a photograph, because there’s no way Buddy would sit still, especially over the last couple of weeks. He gets so excited when there is snow on the ground.

Getting a decent photograph of a black dog is not easy! It usually ends up with no detail at all; just the silhouette, but daughter managed to take this one on a sunny day.

We did wonder about making sure his “good side” was pictured. Buddy is a friendly soul, but doesn’t always get it hat other dogs aren’t the same. We adopted him at 11 months old and he hadn’t really been socialised with other dogs up to then. A few years ago he got too close to a very nervous dog that bit off the end of one of his ears. This image includes his torn ear – it’s part of who he is.

And now the picture is complete – we absolutely love it! The artist has captured Buddy perfectly and I can’t stop looking at it. Those eyes just totally draw you in.

Thank you so much Emer Edwards! You have an amazing talent.


I live in Northumberland, within sight of the sea and spend my time knitting, crocheting, sewing and trying my hand at different crafts. There's usually a story to share about the things I make.

6 thoughts on “Picture Perfect Pup!

  1. So handsome! Had a black lab myself when I was I growing up, they’re such lovely dogs. But yeah, hard to get good photos of them sometimes! Wonderful drawing of him.


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